Satomi Ishihara, right, and Sei Ashina ask for earthquake relief donations in front of the Parco store in Shibuya.
TOKYO — Actress Satomi Ishihara, 24, and 80 other “talents” from Horipro Entertainment, gathered in front of Parco department store in Shibuya over the weekend for the “You are the one who rings the bell” emergency relief donation event, the name of which is borrowed from Akiko Wada’s 1972 famous top single.
“I wanted to contribute in some way myself,” said Ishihara, who added that she was happy to chat with everyone who donated and share their concerns about the ongoing crisis.
Fukushima-born actress and ex-model Sei Ashina, 27, and comedian duo Tanpopo’s Kumiko Shiratori, 29, also participated in the event. “I am very grateful for everyone’s help,” said Ashina, whose parents and siblings currently live in emergency shelters in Sendai.
The total amount of collected donations reached 1,643,500 yen. Some of the Horipro team also went to Shinjuku on Sunday.